Home Decor unltd: Decorating Your Home for Beauty and Comfort

Showcasing Home Decor & Decorating - Making Your Home Beautiful & Liveable.
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Below you'll find Merchants and Products which speak to the topic of this site and which, in keeping with our mission as The Web's Concierge, have been carefully chosen and individually screened for your shopping ease and pleasure. They are not paid ads, but rather companies with whom we have selectively chosen to partner. We do earn a referral fee if you find something you like or need and purchase it. We have striven to bring you the "best in breed" companies ... those that: we like, our friends like, have great sites and service, have good online reviews, positive consumer reports, and are family friendly. Keep us posted with regards to your own personal experiences with them.
You may be surprised at companies that have not been included. The "noisiest" in the marketplace are not always the best. We have chosen 1) newer innovative companies that are performing well and garnering respect in their respective niches as well as 2) "Main Street" companies that have been reliably getting the job done for decades ... in some cases centuries. Our oldest partner, thus far, has been in business since 1819! That's staying power.
Rest assured, if we've included a certain vendor in a site's line-up, there's a very specific reason for it. You may have to hunt and poke a bit, but it'll be well worth the effort. Enjoy the adventure!

The Leader of the Pack
Elle Decor: Brought to you by the publishers of Elle ... the home design magazine with an international flair. You'll find features on furniture, architecture, and decorative accessories to aid you in making your home a unique showplace, as well as profiles and interviews with today's most respected interior decorators and artisans.
Customer Favorites:

Betty's Attic: "Where the Memories of Yesterday Live on Today" ... THE coolest site ... shots of nostalgia spanning a century ... collectibles and memorabilia galore ... TONS OF FUN!

Bowery Lighting: Elegant Lighting, Decorative Lamps, Fine Chandeliers ... a New York Tradition since 1935.

BurkeDecor: An online boutique celebrating contemporary everthing ... from Furniture to Decorative Accessories, from Perfumes to Wallpaper. And Fabulous Pillows. All by designers from around the globe. The site is a treat. You got a little flat in Chelsea? ... you'll find some goodies here that fit in beautifully. If you've got an apartment or condo anywhere on the planet that you want to dress up "contemporary" ... you'll be happy here as well!
HGTV Magazine: The hugely popular publication inspired by the Network ... focusing on home and garden improvement, maintenance, and remodeling. You'll find ideas and inspiration that will aid you in the transformation of your home's living spaces.
House Beautiful: An innovative magazine concerned with home design and decorating ... presented with an emphasis on architectural design, especially with a look toward future trends and aesthetic concepts. You'll enjoy articles on gardening, travel, food, entertainment, home decor, and more.

Interior Design: Providing unsurpassed coverage of the entire design industry, from commercial to residential installations. The magazine features the latest new products and hottest new design trends. A must-have for interior designers.

Macy's: And yes ... it is still magical ... even after all these years. Another beautifully organized "department store" with a vast array of goods. Almost as much fun to shop online as at 34th Street! At least you don't have to deal with the crowds!

RugSale.com: Area rugs galore ... and they ship fast. And internationally. Name Brand Area Rugs (Over 60,000 Rugs from which to Choose) at great prices from a long-time online retailer ... the family-owned business has been around offline since the 1950s.

Target.com: This favorite shopping destination has become one of the Web's 5 top favorite places to shop ... the company has worked its way into the Fortune 50. They've really covered all the bases when it comes to customers' "wants and likes".

The Monticello Shop: An offering of items - from books and games to furniture and decorative accessories - that reflect Thomas Jefferson, the man, and the era in which he lived ... a venture of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation at Monticello.
Traditional Home: The magazine that promotes traditional, timeless styles in decorating, building, remodeling, and gardening. You'll find ideas for entertaining, collecting, and enhancing your home with art and antiques, as well as features on travel destinations and assorted miscellaneous "traditional" topics.

Veranda Magazine: Your source for living well ... a lifestyle magazine with content ranging from home decor and architecture to fashion and beauty.
Victorian Homes: Covering Victorian decorative arts and lifestyles of the Victorian and Edwardian eras. The magazine provides ideas, inspiration, and information on how Victorian architecture and designs can be adapted and made relevant for today's lifestyles and dwellings.

Wayfair: An absolute favorite ... no mater the style of your home, you will find the answer to every interior design and decorating challenging amongst this company's wares ... be it furniture or decorative accessories. I could (and you may) spend a whole day shopping this site ... either with a dedicated shopping list in hand or just to browse for ideas. Enjoy.
More Resources:

1800Lighting: Your Lighting Resource ... a vast selection (250,000 items from which to choose) ... find any light fixture, floor lamp, or chandelier! Truly, a beyond belief selection of unique lighting fixtures.!!

Aeropostale ("AERO"): Specializing in clothing, accessories, and decor geared to the teen crowd, specifically teens between fourteen and seventeen (and thereabouts).
Amazon: One of the planet's most mind-boggling arrays of goods. First came the books. Now they've added every other product on the planet. The ultimate in selection and convenience across multiple categories.
Architectural Digest: Bringing you the best and most luxurious in architecture and interiors ... you'll be invited into the homes of the rich and famous that have been decorated by the world's most talented interior designers. Feature articles include the latest on antique and modern furniture and art. You'll also learn what's chic in home electronics, gardens, and travel spots.
Art.com: If you love Art ... any kind of art, any subject ... you're gonna love this site. It's a feast for the senses. You can browse by subject, genre, artist, room to be decorated, and even color palate. Once you've found the image you've been looking for and/or can't live without, then you have multiple product types to choose from ... there's even a great selection of wall tapestries. You'll have fun here ... no matter your special interests or current decorating mission. Their tag line says it all: "Find Your Art, Love Your Space."

BJ's: Probably America's favorite wholesale shopping club. Great for individuals, families, and small businesses (actually big ones too!). Not much you can't find here. And at great prices.
Casual Living: "The Voice of the Leisure Marketplace" and, as such, the periodical is the leading information source for retailers, designers, and manufacturers in the casual furnishings (indoor/outdoor casual living) industry wanting to keep abreast of what's new and what's hot.
Cottage Journal: The magazine geared towards helping you achieve the charming cottage look in your home and garden.
Cottages and Bungalows: Showcasing "small and cozy" vs. "big and fancy" homes ... features on existing homes and neighborhoods as well as decorating tips and how-tos to achieve the same effect in your own living space (even if you don't yet own that country cottage or Craftsman bungalow).

Craft Ideas - Digital: An inspirational "idea" magazine packed with how-tos and tips that make crafting a pleasure. You'll find 20 full-size patterns in every issue, accompanied by easy-to-follow directions, material lists, technique tips, and columns. The projects cover the gamut ... gifts, wearables, home decor, jewelry, centerpieces, and holiday decorating. Digital format only.

Creative Knitting - Digital: Bringing knitters a variety of fun-to-knit projects using wonderful new yarns and patterns that are easy to understand. You'll find 35-45 projects in each issue of the magazine, including fashionable "wearables", afghans and home accents, accessories for entertaining, delightful baby and child garments, and gift ideas that don't require large amounts of money or time. Features such as "Knitting Class" and "In The Know" serve to further enhance your knitting experience.

DaySpring/(In)Courage: A leading retailer of Christian themed and inspired cards, gifts, jewelry, art, decor, and more ... a simply wonderful collection ... always inspiring and encouraging. A Hallmark brand. Arkansas-based.
EuroStyleLighting: European-inspired, contemporary (even retro updated to contemporary) lighting fixtures for your home ... if this is your style your gonna love this site. A stunningly beautiful selection. Furniture and decorative accessories also.
Flea Market Decor: Empowering your inner “junktiquering” radar to the benefit of your home's decor - inside and out! You'll find advice from antique dealers, inspirational stories from home owners, and tips and know-how from our interior design experts. All complemented by inspiring color photography. You'll never think of flea markets (or garage sales) the same way again.
Gifts & Decorative Accessories: A great source of information for retailers, manufacturers, and vendors of general giftwares, decorative accessories, stationery, greeting cards, collectibles, personal care products, jewelry, gourmet food items, and toys. The publication delivers "the skinny", the topics ranging from breaking industry news, hot designs and trends to market reviews and successful retailer secrets.
Home Accents Today: A leader in the home accessories industry ... and your "go to" resource with regards to industry news and hot designs and trends if you are a retailer or manufacturer in the home accessory/furnishings industry.
Home Textiles Today: A leading information source for retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers involved with the home textiles industry ... delivering everything from retailing and manufacturing news to statements on industry quarterly earnings.
Indigo Books & Music: No question ... A favorite - that is an understatement - Canadian destination for books, toys, gifts, entertainment, and electronics and much more ... they've been doing it for a good while and they just keep getting better.

KMart: Offering a wide range of merchandise from appliances, electronics, and toys to apparel, home decor, and sporting goods ... and much, much more. It would be hard for us to calculate the goods we've bought here over the years. Great stuff, great prices ... every once in a while the online customer service gets a bit flukey... What's neat ... they've still got their great layaway plan available online!

Kohl's: One amazing department store - if you put it in your home, on your body, or if it involves sports, play, or toys of any type, they've got it. (A hint ... if you are looking for counter or bar stools, this is probably the most extensive selection on the planet!)

Leekes: A leading regional upper-scale UK Department Store offering luxury furnishings; home & garden decorating accessories for the interior and exterior spaces, including garden decor; and even their own branded tableware, electrical appliances, and cookware. Not bad for a company that started out as a "smithy" well over a hundred years ago! Ships to the UK Mainland.

Lumen Light: Offering the ultimate in design-oriented lighting, fans, and home accessories for every room and purpose. You'll actually find a diverse line of products from super contemporary international designs to modern interpretations of the classics. Additionally, you'll find beautiful examples of the work of some of the best studio glassmakers, artisan lamp-makers, and small design studios. A treat to shop if you love things in your home space having an artisan-modern flair. Lots of goodies to discover.

Luxe Interiors + Design: A publication dedicated to the creation of beautiful surroundings and living well. A go-to guide for the affluent homeowner looking for design, decorating, architecture, and renovation resources.
Martha Stewart Living: Created by the famous doyenne of everything "home & garden" and bringing you creative ways and encouraging you to celebrate the simple things of everyday life, such as gardening, entertaining, renovating, cooking, and decorating. (Winner of the 2013 National Magazine Award for General Excellence)

Nearly Natural: Offering High-quality Silk Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Plants, and Trees; Decorative Wreaths; Artificial Fruit; and Scented Candles ... for over 75 years (originally founded by a renowned horticulturist).

Newegg.com: Every geek's favorite shopping site.. It's a guess, but an educated one and probably not too far off the mark. More recently, they've added to their inventory ... at this juncture, they've become a first rate one-stop shop for just about anything you could need or want.
Expressions: "Stylish & Graceful Accents for You and Your Home" ... the beloved Catalog online. Featuring Home Accessories & Decor; Gifts and Collectibles; Figurines & Jewelry; and Much More ... It's about Accents that make a space "Yours". Hours of shopping pleasure here ... you'll just want to bring it all home!
Potpourri Gifts: The online version of your favorite gift catalog ... you'll find unique gifts - for friends, family, or yourself (!), fun collectibles, home decor, and much more ... the goal of the company's offerings: to make every day, every occasion, and every holiday special for you.
The Country Store: The All-American General Store ... Online and At Your Fingertips ... featuring apparel, decor, books, jewelry, music, and just all kinds of other wonderful specialty items. Ladies, you are going to spend the afternoon here ... maybe put some cider on the stove to get in the "Country Store" mood. (BTW: They also have a super collection of plus sizes.)
Romantic Homes: Showcasing "romantic" homes and the lifestyles that accompany them. You'll find tips for achieving the same effect in your own living space ... whether it be "cottage" or "castle".

Roommates: A leading retailer of peel & stick wall decals and stickers for any and all themes for adults and kids ... even sports fans and comic character fanatics. They're even removable and reusable! Even better ... they've got laptop skins ... also reusable ... no sticky gunk.

Sears: What started as your favorite catalog store has survived to become a giant retailer - 2,300 Sears branded and affiliated stores across the US and Canada - of all your "home, hearth, and garden needs" including apparel, appliances, tools, and automotive products. We may take them for granted, but there isn't much they don't have across all niches ... all displayed across an organized, easy to navigate site.

Shopko: Offering a Real Online Smorgasbord of Products and Brands (They've Been Doing It Offline Since 1962). A huge selection ... everything from "Minions" to Mach-speed Tablets!

Sierra Trading Post: All your favorite Sierra Trading Post gear ... you'll be good to go for every outdoor activity. In addition to "the Gear" .... you'll find a fabulous selection of apparel and decor to suit the "casual lifestyle" of the outdoor-minded.

SilkFlowers: Your complete source for home decorating and unique gift giving ideas - offering a superior selection of designer-quality silk flower arrangements (and they are gorgeous and of fine quality), natural looking artificial trees, lifelike silk plants, coordinating containers, and decorative room fragrances.
The Franklin Mint: Offering Collectibles and Finely Crafted and Personalized Gifts for Almost Half A Century. Categories of Merchandise include: Coins, Memorabilia (across any and all sectors), Jewelry, Art, Home Decor, Games, and Diecast Models.

The Lighter Side: The online version of the favorite catalog featuring games and toys, apparel, housewares, lighthearted and personalized gifts, and a wide selection of licensed and nostalgic collectibles (Betty Boop, Wizard of Oz, Coca-Cola® and Looney Tunes, etc). Always a fun place to browse and shop.

The New York Times Online Store: Great Gifts born from a legendary newspaper's archives. You'll be amazed at the possibilities here! Plan to spend the afternoon. The archives are just the beginning ... there's signed sports memorabilia, fine paintings, antiquarian books,, etc. The breadth and quality of inventory is stupefying!!

Wind & Weather: Providing just a really neat selection of weather instruments and stations as well as "wind and weather" related home decor (indoors and out) such as wind chimes and weathervanes. They've "been at home with nature" since 1976. You don't have to be a weather geek to enjoy this site ... again, just lots and lots of neat stuff from the practical and decorative to the vintage and whimsical ... great for gift shopping. We love it!